Friday, May 7, 2010

Lock Lambertz honest?

Dusseldorf --
As a bodyguard shielded Norbert Meier at yesterday's captain, accompanied Andreas Lambertz clock at 12.05 to his car. Lumpi had received a muzzle, because it 2-2 at 1860 Munich for him may have a sequel.
The scene around which revolved then everything happened after 70 minutes: a duel between Lumpi and Jose Holebas, there is a free-kick for the Fortuna, which then leads to the following results. The lions get upset about the terrible decision on - and rightly, as is subsequently found. "There was no foul, I let myself fall," there Lambertz in DSF to interview. For this honest statement he faces now a lock, the DFB Control has started an investigation.
It's not the first time that a player is blocked because of something later. The most famous case: the Swallow of the century "by Dortmund's Andreas Moeller, 13 April 1995 against the KSC. The national team was then moved to two games out of circulation. In contrast, had no effect, for example, a swallow of the season against Hertha Matmour Gladbachs Karim, which he subsequently admitted frankly.
But what happens with Lumpi? Yesterday he was at the DFB from the requested opinion. In it he states that he had been misunderstood. Faller had not happened to provoke a free-kick, but for fear of injury - especially in the last two years there has been strong for several Fortune's captain, including the socks, injury break.
For Lumpi could speak, that he never in his career was negatively noticeable - only a yellow card is in his memoirs. Fortuna is hoping for a mild DFB - otherwise the audience favorite on Saturday against Bielefeld just spectators.