Sunday, April 25, 2010

Storm surge in Soldo

Cologne --
Swabians are welcome in Cologne. Above all, the footballers of VfB Stuttgart. For against any other club celebrated the 1 FC Cologne more than victory against VfB. 32 successes (with 21 draws and 24 failures), it was in the Bundesliga.
It would be nice if another one to come, "said Zvonimir Soldo, ten years professional in Stuttgart. "I am a half-Schwabe, two of my children were born there. Therefore, the game is very special for me. "
Whether he was therefore equal to the signal to attack there? The FC coach plans for Saturday a true storm surge. With Lukas Podolski alongside Milivoje Novakovic as the second peak - as repeatedly demanded by the national team.
And with hurricane Zoran Tosic addition Adil Chihi on the wing. "Sure I want to play. I'm ready, "said the Serb, had to take the last two on the bench.
Video entitled
Now he can with Adil Chihi alternate on the wings. Maniche for weak threat to his game at Schalke, and his anger over the replacement of the bank. Soldo: "If he can be mad at something, then his performance. Maniche should look at themselves. "The Portuguese yesterday broke off the training.
FC So as aggressively as ever under coach Soldo. "But the list is not so critical. We always have enough offensive forces on the field, "says Soldo. "We must avoid the mistakes in defense, committed and play with much passion."
Finally, not only FC but also Soldo has fond memories of VfB. "There we have won our first League game. Now we want to win against Stuttgart's first home game of the second half. We're not through yet and need points. At best, tomorrow we start with the collection. "

Monday, April 19, 2010

Transport Wittke: driving away

Dusseldorf - Of all the North Rhine-Westphalia Verkehrssicherheitzuständige for Oliver Wittke, Minister of State (CDU) has been flashed as extreme Raser: closed with 109 kilometers per hour ina village.
AbgebenmĂĽssen he had his license, told the Transport Minister on Thursday in Dusseldorf.
"I made a mistake and would continue regelkonformverhalten me."
On the website of his ministry calls erseit more than two years to the drivers: "Go vorsichtigerund considerate." Go The additional recommendation "They docheinmal walk or use bicycles, bus or train," the 42-year-old now, had to keep himself involuntarily.
   He was struck in November in the Sauerland Meschede. AchtWochen long he had his license go, next week he may ihnwieder take delivery.
In addition, he had to pay several hundred dollars. "I was treated like any other," betonteWittke.
The opposition SPD described him as "Verkehrsrowdy", the Greens mocked Wittke "lightning career."
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Markos goal of the season: the winning goal against Cologne

Bad Lippspringe - Marko Marin's expectations are high. "I want to go on there, where I left off," said Borussia confident young star. "The second half of the national team nomination and the first international match was perfect for me. Now I want to take the next step. "
From his disappointment after the European Championship oust is no more talk. "Of course I was the first day of sad. But that has subsided. The national players know me now. At the next invitation, it will be easier. "And there are probably already on trial on 20 August in Nuremberg against Belgium.
When Marin prevails in the Bundesliga. "The full back is offensive. This is an advantage for me when I have more space, "he says. His aim for this season: "The fire winner against Cologne."
But even now Borussia Marko is a new crowd favorite, "The fan mail has increased dramatically. Love letters are also present, but no marriage proposals. Most people know that I have a girlfriend. "
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Iran today morning, 29 people turned out

Tehran - grace? No chance. In Iran on Sunday condemned Tomorrow 29 were executed.
It happened when Germany was still asleep, how the state television reported on its Web site, all the early morning at 5.10 clock (6.00 our time clock) in the Ewin hanged in Tehran prison.
The Executed: convicted drug smugglers, murderers, rapists and robbers. But people who would "disturb public security and denFrieden.
It was the largest mass execution in the Islamic republic for years. Western countries have repeatedly criticized the human rights situation imIran. Amnesty International, were executed in 2007 by country at least 317 people. Only in China lagdie number of 470 higher.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

University of Bonn makes city hospitals

Bonn --
The Children's Hospital and the Polyclinic of the University of Bonn will soon pack the crates. From the city it is for both bodies up to the Mount of Venus. The university hospitals closer together on. But what will actually be from the huge empty buildings in the city?
All the clinics in one place. The university wants to get her still in the city clinics located on the Mount of Venus. "But this applies only to the clinic and the pediatric ward. For the medium term dental clinic provided no move ", explains Prof. Dr. Michael Lentze, medical director of the University Hospital.
It is designed to improve interdisciplinary cooperation. And a move to the Venusberg saves in the long run costs. "To continue to operate the building of the clinic to be allowed would be fire safety measures in the amount of 16 million euros have been necessary. Since we have not seen the economy and prefer a move to the Venusberg "said Lentze. Beginning of 2012 to the clinic on the Venusberg "wander."
Fear of losing patients to the many emerging in the city houses for doctors, one has not at the university. "The number of patients in the emergency clinic to get the Venusberg and show us that people there think that they can come with an emergency of any kind on the Venusberg" said Lentze further.
The buildings belong to the construction and real estate operations for NRW (BLB). "We test for the building in the Wilhelmstrasse another use. Even a sale is ultimately not ruled out, "said SU spokesman Dietmar Zeleny EXPRESS on request. The building of the Children of the Adenauerallee to remain in the hands of the University of Bonn. "There are considerations to use it for the employees of the Juridicum if there ansteht the rebuilding," said university spokesman Andreas Archut.